Thursday, July 24, 2008

Busy Week, Charlotte, Etc.!!!

This has been a pretty busy week for me workwise... on Monday, I had depositions all day, then spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Charlotte for a class and exam - my mom went with me and we made an "overnight getaway" out of it... we did manage to hit two of our favorite restaurants in the world, Cheesecake Factory for lunch and PF Chang's for dinner.. YUM! Got a little shopping time at two Charlotte malls in too! My class went well and I passed my exam! Sweet!

Came home Wed. night and then had to get up this morning to head to Sumter for a morning depo at Tuomey Regional Med Center, then back to Columbia for an afternoon depo here in town. Then back home to my office to do more work. Thankfully, I'm off on Friday and heading out with several girlfriends to see Mamma Mia while Dennis heads to the ball game! busy week - but looking forward to the weekend!

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