Friday, July 4, 2008



Today being the 4th of July, I took a minute to reflect on what this day really means. For most of us, it usually means, picnics, barbeques, spending the day with friends and family while swimming, grilling, sipping cocktails.... but hopefully, somewhere in there, while doing all of those fun things, we have all taken at least a moment to reflect on how fortunate we all are to live in the USA, where we can enjoy such things and have the freedom to do them. I love this country and like Lee Greenwood says, "I am proud to be an American - where at least I know I'm free!" Hats off to all the veterans out there too and THANK YOU and GOD BLESS YOU for all you have done for all of us!

We spent a nice, relaxing lazy day. After sleeping in rather late today, we got up, had lunch, then headed down to my mom and stepfather's house and spent some time lounging by the pool in the sun. Then the dark clouds rolled in and the thunder started, so we went inside and hung out for awhile, made daquiris, and then headed back out to the covered porch, where we sat sipping banana daquiris and enjoying the nice, soaking rainfall. After awhile, once the rain stopped, we fired up the grill, and we grilled hot dogs and brats. We enjoyed a traditional 4th of July feast - hot dogs, brats, homemade potato salad, baked beans, cole slaw - and cold beer!

Later, we went back out and sat around the Jacuzzi for awhile, then had our watermelon for dessert - what is the 4th of July without watermelon? Then home to settle in for the evening before the fireworks start popping - had to get home and get the dogs inside before that starts - the fireworks terrify them!

Today has felt like Saturday all day to me - I know I will be confused for days to come. Now that tomorrow is REALLY Saturday, I guess it's back to housework, laundry, yard work, and all those other "fun" things!

I forgot to post last night about the new car... Dennis FINALLY bought a new car last week! Yay! On Monday, June 23 we went to the dealership and looked around - and decided on a new Hyundai Santa Fe SUV... it's a great vehicle! Dennis picked it up on June 25 and met me at Capital City Club, and we rode home together in it. After 12 and a half years of driving his Honda, it was time. So now we are enjoying the new vehicle and loving it! As soon as I get some pictures of the new car, I'll post them. Hopefully soon.

I did figure out late last night how to add links to other people's blogs - and to post a few pictures.. so I posted some pictures of my installation as President of Junior Woman's Club of Columbia, which took place on Thursday, May 8 @ Capital City Club. Those were the only ones I could still find on my computer, although I know I had others. But at least it got some pics on my new blog!

Happy 4th everyone - what's left of it - be safe doing fireworks!

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